Pflugerville Ward

Weekly Sunday Meetings

9:00am - 10:00 am: Sacrament Meeting

10:10 am - 11:00 am

Room Assignments for Second Hour

The Work of Salvation and Exaltation

Ward Temple Day

This month ward temple day is March 23.

Click ward temple day to go to the form you use to sign up. (This month everyone signs up directly at the temple for the 12:00 PM session.

Experience the Joy of Sharing the Gospel

Plan: Prayerfully create an individual and/or family mission plan.

Inspiration: Seek inspiration for how the Lord wants YOU to share the gospel. Ponder who needs to feel the Savior's love, what He wants you to do, and by when.

Service: Serve each other and the community and invite your friends to come with you.

Activities: Invite someone to something.

General Information

New to the Ward? 

Interviews & Appointments

Social and Other Connections

Ward Organizations